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2 26 25 Jump into Teaching

One week away ... please join us! Are you a former teacher thinking about returning to work? Are you someone with a degree in another field but want to become a teacher? Then please join us for one of our Jump Into Teaching 30-minute info sessions at 9 a.m., noon or 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 1020 Keeter Road, Canton, 30114.

2025 Bascomb ES Support Staff

Our district's commitment to Elevating the Excellence is made possible by the outstanding contributions of our incredible support staff.  Their efforts help create high-quality learning environments that inspire success. Today, we recognize Shawn Lisle … 2025 Support Staff Employee of the Year for Bascomb ES!

CCSD 2025 TOTY School Winner Surprise Photos 1 15 25

Congratulations to the Cherokee County School District’s 2025 School Teachers of the Year winners!  Every school year, every CCSD school’s teachers and staff are asked to select a Teacher of the Year for their school.  These school-level winners now are eligible for the honor of Cherokee County School District 2025 Teacher of the Year. 

CCSD 2024-25 Superintendents Elementary School Student Advisory Board 1 10 22 24

The Cherokee County School District’s inaugural Superintendent’s Elementary School Student Advisory Board gathered today for its first meeting.  The board formed by Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis is made up of one fifth-grade student leader from each of CCSD’s elementary schools.

2024 Bascomb ES Partner of the Year

We appreciate partners' support of our schools, which is why we celebrate their service here – congratulations to Bascomb Elementary School 2024 Partner of the Year: Hotworx Woodstock (Towne Lake).

Does your business or organization partner with a CCSD school? Visit our School Partnerships webpage ( to learn more! #CCSDPartnersInAction #CCSDElevateTheExcellence

Staff giving bus drivers breakfast and gifts at drive-through breakfast outside the bus shop

CCSD leadership and staff showed appreciation this morning for our outstanding CCSD bus drivers with a drive-through breakfast sponsored by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and gifts from other partners for the 450 men and women who get the community's children to and from school each day with safety and care.

CCSD community forum on safety and security

The Cherokee County School District, as previously announced, last night presented a community forum on the topic of safety and security.  A video recording of the panel presentation, featuring Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis, Police Chief Buster Cushing and staff, Chief School Leadership and Operations Officer Dr. Debra Murdock and staff, and Cherokee Sheriff Frank Reynolds, now is posted online here.

School Custodian Day

Join us as we #ThankACustodian in recognition of National School Custodian Day. We love our custodians -- not just today, but every day! 

group photo in a grocery store for a check presentation to teachers who won a grant

Congratulations to Bascomb Elementary School for winning a grant from the Sprouts Farmers Market foundation!  The $8,500 donation will help Bascomb enhance its school learning garden and purchase cooking equipment so teachers and students can learn about using what they grow in recipes and meals.

safety and security video image

Given the heartbreaking tragedy at Apalachee High School and uneasy atmosphere we have navigated in the days since, Superintendent Mary Elizabeth Davis gave a video report, during her welcome, on the state of safety and security in our school district at tonight’s School Board meeting.

CCSD logo

It is with a heavy heart that I send this message this evening following the horrific and tragic events at Apalachee High School in Barrow County today.  As the Superintendent of the Cherokee County School District, there is nothing that I think more about each day than the safety and security of our students and our staff, and I am heartbroken to think about the devastation experienced by the Barrow community and shared by our entire state of Georgia.

milestones report image

The Cherokee County School Board at its meeting on Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, reviewed the school district’s Georgia Milestones Assessment Performance Review report, a new level in accountability reporting introduced this school year by the Superintendent of Schools.

Class Act magazine

Class Act, the award-winning magazine from the Cherokee County School District, went home with students the first week of school, giving parents a one-stop publication for back-to-school information and a peek at what's new for this school year.  

Back-to-School Video Message from Superintendent Davis

It is the night before our first day of school in CCSD, and we are excited for a great day!  Please click the link below for a video message from Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis.  We can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

ParentVUE logo

This summer, we converted our student information system and launched a new platform called Synergy in preparation for the 2024-25 school year.  Synergy offers families a ParentVUE website and app that provides greater access to their children’s emergency contacts and attendance information. 

New Leaders 62024

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, June 20, approved its budget for next school year, which provides salary improvements to teachers and support staff while maintaining the same tax rate.  The school board also adopted consistent guidance for student dress and appropriate cell phone use for elementary, middle, and high school students to take effect as we start the 2024-25 school year.

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Get Ready for Back to School with CCSD’s New ParentVUE … the parent portal for our new student information system, where you can update emergency contact info, track absences and more!

Superintendent's Entry Plan Summative Analysis

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday heard a report from Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis on her key priorities and recommended balanced budget for next school year, with a focus on elevating the excellence of academics and achievement for all students and improving employee compensation to retain the best educators possible.

Superintendent Continues Ongoing Meetings with CCSD Community

Mary Elizabeth Davis over the past month has continued her ongoing meetings with students, parents, teachers, support staff and community partners to listen and learn more about CCSD’s strengths to further nurture and invest in, as well as for opportunities for continuous improvement.  

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday heard a presentation from Superintendent of Schools

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday heard a presentation from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis on her progress over the past month in the new role.  The school board also approved new school assistant principals for next school year.

Common Sense Education 23-24 logo

Three Cherokee County School District schools have earned national digital citizenship recognition!

Bascomb Elementary School, Hasty ES Fine Arts Academy and Holly Springs ES STEM Academy all recently earned Common Sense School re-certification from the national nonprofit organization Common Sense.  

Cherokee County School District students recently demonstrated their science skills at a countywide competition!  More than 5

Cherokee County School District students recently demonstrated their science skills at a countywide competition!  More than 525 students from elementary schools throughout CCSD competed in the Cherokee County Science Olympiad, which offered 18 science challenges and the third annual CCSD Speed Building Competition.

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, March 21, 2024 heard a presentation from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary Eli

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, March 21, 2024 heard a presentation from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis on her first two full weeks in the new role.  The school board also approved new school leaders for next school year and heard updates on new school construction projects. 

Mary Elizabeth Davis today began her service to Cherokee County as our new Superintendent of Schools.  True to her 100-day pl

Mary Elizabeth Davis today began her service to Cherokee County as our new Superintendent of Schools.
True to her 100-day plan’s mission -- “Listen to understand, Lean-in to remember, and Learn to Lead” – Mary Elizabeth spent her first day visiting schools and meeting students, teachers and support staff, families and business and community partners. 

kindergarten letters

Cherokee County School District kindergarten and new student registration now is open online for the 2024 -25 school year.  Parents of any student who will be new to CCSD for the 2024-25 school year can enter information and upload documents to complete the registration process online using CCSD’s Synergy system.  

CCSD 2024 Partner and Volunteer of the Year

The Cherokee County School District celebrated outstanding school volunteers and business and community partners at the annual CCSD Partner of the Year and Volunteer of the Year Recognition Ceremony.  The ceremony on Thursday evening in the school board auditorium honored a Partner of the Year and a Volunteer of the Year for each individual school and center.  The evening included the surprise announcement of the CCSD Partner of the Year and Volunteer of the Year selected from that pool of honorees.

Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis

The Cherokee County School Board at its regular meeting tonight, Feb. 15, 2024, voted to officially hire Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis as the county’s next Superintendent of Schools.

Dr. Davis currently serves as Superintendent of Schools for Henry County.  You can learn more about her extensive experience as an educator and leader online here.  Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower last fall announced he planned to retire this spring after nearly 40 years in education, including eight years in his current role.        

Dr Mary Elizabeth Davis

The Cherokee County School Board at a special called meeting tonight, Jan. 31, 2024, announced a sole finalist to serve as the county’s next Superintendent of Schools.  The school board voted to announce Dr. Mary Elizabeth Davis as the sole finalist to begin leading the school district.

school district logo

The Cherokee County School Board at its meeting on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023, heard plans by the Superintendent of Schools to return school custodial services to in-house operations for next school year.  The school board also approved the Woodstock HS classroom addition construction contract, named Dr. Chad Flatt as the new principal for Freedom Middle School beginning Jan. 8 as Principal Whitney Nolan is stepping down and appointed Adam Holley as the new head football coach for Cherokee High School.  

row of buses with lights on

CCSD is in the process of welcoming 30 new additions to its bus fleet, with new vehicles being delivered that will offer more safety features for its drivers and passengers while allowing the oldest buses in the fleet to be taken out of service. 

CCSD logo

The Cherokee County School Board at its regular meeting on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023 heard an update on its search for the next superintendent of schools.  The school board earlier this month voted to contract with the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) for its support services to aid in the search.  Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower on Sept. 1 announced his plans to retire at the end of this school year.

photos of new hires

The Cherokee County School Board at its meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2023 approved the appointment of a new Cherokee High School principal and improvements to the driveway and parking for Creekview High School and Creekland Middle School.

Board Business Briefs 11 18 22

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022 approved mid-year bonuses for teachers and support staff and heard plans to increase salaries for next school year.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower proposed the one-time supplemental payments of $1,000 for eligible full-time employees and $500 permanent part-time employees, which will be issued in this month’s paychecks, to show appreciation for their continued service.


The Cherokee County School District has earned international recognition for excellence in education!

The district is one of only 38 school districts in the world to today be named a 2022 Cognia School System of Distinction by the international accreditation organization.

georgia milestones

Cherokee County School District students for the seventh consecutive year exceeded State averages on the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade and End-of-Course tests, with significant gains on most tests. 

The annual tests assess students’ mastery of Georgia Performance Standards, which set expectations for what lessons students will learn in each grade.  Teachers and administrators use the results to improve instructional best practices.


The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday night approved the budget for next school year, which calls for a tax rate reduction, increased investment in school safety and pay raises for teachers and support staff.

The 1.5 mills decrease in the tax rate, which was unanimously approved, is the first reduction proposed since 2014 and was prompted by the rise in property values.  While most homeowners will see an increase in their tax bill due to their property value rising, the increase will be less due to the School Board’s action.   

CCSD School Board and Student Delegates 5 20 22

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday night reviewed the proposed budget for next school year, which calls for a reduction in the tax rate for all property owners and well-deserved pay increases for teachers and support staff.

The proposed 1.5 mills decrease in the tax rate is the first reduction proposed since 2014 and has been recommended by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower in light of rising home values.

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The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday heard good news about the school district’s financial outlook due to increasing home values and discussed ways to reduce the burden on taxpayers, while also using some of the windfall to make teacher and staff pay more competitive.


The Cherokee County School District received excellent news today: the district’s international accreditation as a high-quality school system is recommended for renewal for another five years!

“Accreditation is the gold standard for school districts – it provides independent assurance to parents, employees and taxpayers as to the excellence of their public schools,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said.  “I’m incredibly proud of the work that all of our employees do every day to provide the best possible education and care to each of our students.  Thank you to the amazing parent volunteers and business and community partners who support us.  None of this would be possible without the outstanding leadership of our School Board, its vision for our future and its strong stewardship of the resources entrusted to them by our community.”

CCSD 2021 Governance Team of the Year State Finalist 10 14 21

The Cherokee County School District has been named a finalist for the 2021 Governance Team of the Year Award presented by the Georgia School Boards Association!
Three awards are presented annually to recognize top School Boards and Superintendents of Schools for outstanding leadership and dedication to continuous improvement.  One winner is selected in three categories based on school district enrollment: small, 1-3,000 students; medium, 3,001-10,000 students; and large, 10,000+ students.  

School Board Meeting 7 15 2021

The Cherokee County School Board at its meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 took the following action:

  • Approved the monthly personnel report, which included the appointment of Adam Johnson, a 13-year CCSD teacher who has taught and coached track at Cherokee High School, as a new assistant principal at Woodstock High School;
School Board Meeting auditorium 6 17 2021

The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, June 17, 2021 unanimously approved its budget for next school year, which is balanced without a tax rate increase and includes hiring 125 new teachers above and beyond enrollment growth to help bridge any pandemic-related learning opportunity losses.  


The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday reviewed the recommended budget for next school year, which includes hiring more teachers to lower class size while not raising the school property tax millage rate, and adopted a resolution that prohibits implementing Critical Race Theory (CRT) and The 1619 Project.