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Meet a CCSD 2025 Support Staff Employee of the Year: Shawn Lisle of Bascomb ES!

Meet a CCSD 2025 Support Staff Employee of the Year: Shawn Lisle of Bascomb ES!

Our district's commitment to Elevating the Excellence is made possible by the outstanding contributions of our incredible support staff.  Their efforts help create high-quality learning environments that inspire success. Today, we recognize Shawn Lisle … 2025 Support Staff Employee of the Year for Bascomb ES!

Shawn Lisle serves as a Special Education paraprofessional at Bascomb ES. She has 19 years of service with CCSD, including seven in her current role.

In her principal’s words: “Shawn Lisle is the epitome of joy, grace and dedication -- embodying everything that makes a school community thrive. She’s asked to do an array of tasks and always smiles and says, ‘of course.’ She moves through the building supporting students with academics, behavior, self-regulation, organization and anything else they need. She knows what to do and when and how to do it without being asked. She is as close to perfection as I’ve seen, yet is incredibly humble and would never draw attention to her great works in our school building.”